Noon Report - Washington’s War: Lessons in Leadership for a Modern Army with LTG(R) James M. Dubik

Noon Report - Washington’s War: Lessons in Leadership for a Modern Army with LTG(R) James M. Dubik

Add to Calendar 2025-02-18 23:24:17 2025-02-18 23:24:17 Noon Report - Washington’s War: Lessons in Leadership for a Modern Army with LTG(R) James M. Dubik Description Location AUSA UTC public

AUSA’s Noon Report webinar series features presentations by senior Army leaders responsible for key programs and initiatives, as well as contemporary military authors who weave together the past, present and future story of the United States Army.

AUSA’s Noon Report Webinar series invites you to join us on Wednesday, 8 June 2022, at 12:00 EDT to hear a presentation by LTG James M. Dubik, USA, Ret. In presenting a unique perspective on George Washington’s wartime leadership during the Revolutionary War, Dubik will provide insights on war and leader development, rooted in history, that are applicable for contemporary leaders.

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LTG James M. Dubik
U.S. Army, Retired
AUSA Senior Fellow



Dr. Thomas McNaugher
Georgetown University


About the Speaker

Currently a Senior Fellow with AUSA; a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the National Security Advisory Council and the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; and the President and CEO of Dubik Associates, Dubik is a prolific researcher and writer. His areas of focus include the future of war, the nature and conduct of war, strategic leadership, counterinsurgency and security force assistance and reform. He retired from his Army career in July of 2008; his service culminated with the command of the Multinational Security Transition Command-Iraq and the NATO Training Mission-Iraq. In addition to serving in both the First and Second Ranger Battalions, Dubik was the Commanding General for the 25th Infantry Division, and he created the Army’s first Stryker Brigade Combat Team and developed the training methodologies for these formations. He has a PhD in Philosophy from Johns Hopkins and an MA in Military Arts and Sciences from the United States Army Command and General Staff College. In addition to achievements at various military schools, he has also completed programs at MIT and Harvard, and he was a professor for the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University. 

About the Moderator

McNaugher is currently an adjunct professor in Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service; he joined the faculty as a full-time visiting professor in 2011. A West Point graduate, Tom served in Vietnam, and as an activated Reservist in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.  He retired from the Army Reserves in 2000, after more than 30 years of service. He was a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution from 1989 to 1995, when he joined the RAND Corporation.  At RAND until 2011, he worked in a variety of assignments, including as Vice President and Director of RAND’s Arroyo Center, the Army’s Federally-funded think tank. He has an MPA and a PhD in Political Science, both from Harvard University.


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For more information, and to secure your sponsorship, please contact Gaye Hudson, Deputy Director, Sponsorship & International Programs,,  703-907-2401 or Emily Call, Sponsorship Coordinator,, 703-907-2606.
