Noon Report: Warrant Officer Talent Management

Noon Report: Warrant Officer Talent Management

Add to Calendar 2025-02-18 22:39:11 2025-02-18 22:39:11 Noon Report: Warrant Officer Talent Management Description Location AUSA UTC public

AUSA’s Noon Report webinar series features presentations by senior Army leaders responsible for key programs and initiatives, as well as contemporary military authors who weave together the past, present and future story of the United States Army.

Please join us on Tuesday, 15 February 2022, at 1200 EST, to hear a presentation on warrant officer talent management initiatives approved in the last year along with the future WO Study. The panel will focus on the RA Retired to Reserve Army Directive and the progress made by each Compo towards implementation.

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CW5 Rick Knowlton
Senior Warrant Officer Adviser,
Army Talent Management Task Force

CW5 Patrick R. Nelligan
Command Chief Warrant Officer,
U.S. Army Reserve Command

CW5 Teresa A. Domeier
Command Chief Warrant Officer,
U.S. Army National Guard



CW5 Phyllis J. Wilson
United States Army, Retired
AUSA Senior Fellow



Interested in being a sponsor for this event? Sponsors receive:

  • Recognition of your sponsorship on all marketing materials/emails. Distribution is to 180,000+ recipients including key leaders from around the world;
  • Recognition of your sponsorship on all registration pages;
  • Opportunity to provide a video that will be embedded into the registration confirmation page;
  • Opportunity to post a PDF handout on the webinar chat at the beginning of the webinar;
  • Opportunity to provide a short video to be played before the webinar; and
  • Recognition from the host of the webinar.

For more information, and to secure your sponsorship, please contact Gaye Hudson, Deputy Director, Sponsorship & International Programs,,  703-907-2401 or Emily Call, Sponsorship Coordinator,, 703-907-2606.
