Leader Solarium: Inspiration to Lead PT Session

Leader Solarium: Inspiration to Lead PT Session

National Mall
Inspiration to Lead 2

Inspiration to Lead PT Session


The Leader Solarium attendees participated in an early-morning PT session at the National Mall on Tuesday, October 11, 2022! The participants heard from various speakers stationed at our nation’s monuments in Washington DC. Speakers included:


BG (R) Donna Barbisch, Army Women's Foundation

CSM (R) Dave Clark, AUSA Center for Leadership

COL (R) Scott Halstead, AUSA Center for Leadership

LTG (R) Roger Schultz. Army Historical Foundation

CSM (R) Mario Terenas, AUSA Center for Leadership

Inspiration to Lead 3
Participants visited the following memorials to learn about their history and the selfless sacrifice of young leaders during these historic events:

Korean War Veterans Memorial

Vietnam Women's Memorial

Three Servicemen Statue

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

World War II Memorial

Lincoln Memorial


Check out our fast facts about each memorial below!


