ILW Rogers Forum
ILW Rogers Forum
GEN David G. Perkins, USA, Ret.

General David Perkins served as the 15th Commander of the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) which is responsible for designing, acquiring, building and constantly improving the US Army which is one of the largest and most complex organizations in the world. Under his leadership TRADOC developed the Army’s concept of Multi Domain Operations which has become a driver for future change not only in the US Military, but around the world. He also served as the Chancellor of Army University, one of the largest university systems in the United States. Prior to commanding TRADOC he commanded the United States Army Combined Arms Center where he was the lead for synchronizing leader development across the Army, the management of the Army’s training support and training development enterprises, and the development and integration of the doctrine the Army uses around the world.
Previously General Perkins commanded at all levels in the US Army from CPT to Major Army Command at the four-star level. He has multiple combat tours to include commanding a Brigade and later an Infantry Division in Iraq. As a Brigade Commander he led the historical “Thunder Run” into Baghdad that led to the fall of the regime. He also served as the Special Assistant to the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and on the Joint Staff in the Pentagon. He has advanced degrees in Mechanical Engineering, National Security and Strategic Studies, and Military Studies.