ILW Lemnitzer Lecture - July 2016

ILW Lemnitzer Lecture - July 2016

AUSA Conference & Event Center

2425 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
United States

Institute of Land Warfare hosts Kathleen Galvin, daughter of GEN John Galvin, USA Ret.
Add to Calendar 2024-09-17 20:32:32 2024-09-17 20:32:32 ILW Lemnitzer Lecture - July 2016 Description Location AUSA America/Chicago public

Book Title "Fighting the Cold War: A Soldier's Memoir"

by GEN John Galvin, USA RetiredPresentation by Kathleen Galvin



AUSA welcomes all members, employees or consultants of AUSA Member companies, military and civilian government personnel, invited guests, and non-members that are interested. 
