Hot Topic: Aviation - 2017

Hot Topic: Aviation - 2017

General Gordon R. Sullivan Conference & Event Center

2425 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
United States

Balancing Readiness with Building the Future Force
Add to Calendar 2025-02-17 18:03:18 2025-02-17 18:03:18 Hot Topic: Aviation - 2017 Description Location AUSA UTC public
Advance registration is now closed.  Please register on site beginning at 0630 7 September.

The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) will produce an unclassified Army Aviation symposium for members of industry and the military community at the AUSA Conference Center, 2425 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA, 7 September 2017.


The Symposium will include over 300 government, military and industry professionals, including senior-level executives from industry partners of aviation systems used by the U.S. Army.  Government and military attendees will include key leaders involved in the research and development, procurement, sustainment, and training process for U.S. Army Aviation systems.


The Army provides our Nation with the ability to prevent, shape and win in the land domain. Army Aviation is a professional, modernized aviation force focused on our ground forces while generating options for the Combatant Commanders in any condition through increased Reach, Protection and Lethality – adept at developing situational understanding to win in an ever increasingly complex world. The AUSA Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) Army Aviation Symposium provides a forum for professional dialogue among senior Government officials, military leaders and industry executives regarding Army Aviation approach to man, equip, train and sustain the current and future Aviation force in the context of worldwide operational commitments, the Army Operating Concept, the Multi-Domain Battle Concept and Force 2025 and Beyond. The AUSA ILW Army Aviation Symposium provides a unique opportunity for senior leaders to participate in panel discussions to address human optimization and training agile and adaptive Aviation leaders to win in complex operating environments. Senior leaders will share their thoughts on future aviation requirements, organizations, operations, logistics and acquisition to best equip and sustain the future Aviation war fighter in support of ground maneuver commanders. Panel members will also be available for challenging questions from the audience.
