Dr. Juanita M. Harris

Director, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineer Center
Dr. Harris was selected for Senior Executive Service in February, 2015. She serves as the Director, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) at Redstone Arsenal, AL. AMRDEC comprises approximately 10,000 military and civilian professional, scientific, and support personnel and manages a combined mission and reimbursable customer funded budget of approximately $2.9 billion annually. The Director manages the Aviation and Missile RDEC, plans, and executes technical research and engineering programs and demonstrations, e.g., research, exploratory development, Advance Concept Technology Demonstrations, and field support engineering functions of the Center. As Director, she provides support to both missile and aviation commodities in such areas as product assurance; software engineering; system engineering; production, test, and evaluation management; and business management. As top civilian authority and scientific and engineering expert on research and development for aviation and missiles in the Command, she exercises direct line authority over all activities to assure adequacy of budgeting, planning, conduct, and effectiveness of projects and a balanced and competent technical capability.
Paul D. Rogers, Ph.D.

Director, United States Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center
Dr. Paul D. Rogers serves as the Director of TARDEC where he is responsible for providing executive management to deliver advanced technology solutions for all Department of Defense ground systems and combat support equipment. Dr. Rogers is a member of the Army Senior Executive Service.
As the TARDEC Director, Dr. Rogers manages a workforce of more than 1,700 engineers, scientists, researchers, and support staff and sets strategic direction for a full range of investments that affect more than 270 Army systems. With an annual budget of more than $475 million, Dr. Rogers ensures TARDEC provides vigilance and resourcefulness to deliver solutions within cost and on schedule so our Soldiers can dominate on the battlefield.
Dr. Rogers previously served as the Deputy Program Executive Officer for Ground Combat Systems where he managed the development, systems integration, acquisition, testing, fielding, sustainment and improvement of ground combat systems in accordance with the Army's transformation campaign plan. The Ground Combat Systems Program has an annual budget of more than $2.9 billion with a total program cost of more than $18.46 billion (POM FY14-18). Dr. Rogers' responsibilities included ensuring that all of the coordination and communication is achieved for a complex and diverse organization with two Pre-MDAP programs (Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle and Ground Combat Vehicle) and four ACAT I programs, including the Paladin Integrated Management, Abrams Tank Upgrade, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle Upgrade and the Stryker Armored Vehicle System. Additionally, he oversaw four ACAT II programs as well as approximately 100 other weapons system programs.
Prior to accepting his responsibilities as Deputy PEO GCS, Dr. Rogers served as the TARDEC Executive Director for Research and Technical Integration. In this capacity, Dr. Rogers led the organization in providing Army research and development in Ground Vehicle Power and Mobility, Survivability, Intelligent Systems, Vehicle Electronic and Architecture Systems, and Platform Concept, Analysis, and System Simulation. Dr. Rogers served as the key executive responsible for the center's science and technology strategic planning, program selection, funding allocation, execution and transition to acquisition programs. He managed the technology base investments and led a 500- person workforce through six technical business area associate directors.
As a member of the Michigan National Guard, Dr. Rogers was activated and served in Iraq as the Battalion Commander for the 507th Engineer Battalion. His command included 12 separate companies/detachments at Balad, Iraq, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 04-06. The 507th Eng. Bn. was a joint force consisting of deployed forces from the Active Army and Air Force, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, and Marines. He commanded a total of 823 Soldiers, 139 Marines, and 114 Airmen in combat operations during the deployment. His mission responsibilities included military fixed bridging, offensive assault float bridging, rafting operations, riverine operations, vertical and horizontal construction, well drilling, and asphalt production/paving. He also organized, trained, and deployed an armored D9 dozer task force in support of division offensive operations. The 507th ENG BN served in Iraq from Jan. 1, 2005, to Dec. 6, 2005. Dr. Rogers' military awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, Army Meritorious Service Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal, Airborne Badge and the Bronze Order of the de Fleury Medal. His previous military assignments include Chief of Staff, 46th Military Police Command, Commander, 177th Regiment, Regional Training Institute and Brigade and Battalion Operations Officer, Company Commander, and Platoon Leader. He currently serves as a Brigadier General as the Deputy Commander General, 46th Military Police Command, MIARNG.
Dr. Rogers holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics from Michigan Technological University (MTU), a Master of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, a Master of Science in Engineering -- Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan -- Dearborn, and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MTU. He is a graduate of the Army Engineer Officer Basic Course, Engineer Officer Advance Course, Combined Arms Services Staff School, Army Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College. Dr. Rogers is currently serving the External Advisory Boards for the Mechanical Engineering Departments at Michigan Technological University, Lawrence Technological University and the University of Michigan. He has previously served as an Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering at LTU.