Dr. Juanita M. Harris

Director, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineer Center
Dr. Harris was selected for Senior Executive Service in February, 2015. She serves as the Director, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) at Redstone Arsenal, AL. AMRDEC comprises approximately 10,000 military and civilian professional, scientific, and support personnel and manages a combined mission and reimbursable customer funded budget of approximately $2.9 billion annually. The Director manages the Aviation and Missile RDEC, plans, and executes technical research and engineering programs and demonstrations, e.g., research, exploratory development, Advance Concept Technology Demonstrations, and field support engineering functions of the Center. As Director, she provides support to both missile and aviation commodities in such areas as product assurance; software engineering; system engineering; production, test, and evaluation management; and business management. As top civilian authority and scientific and engineering expert on research and development for aviation and missiles in the Command, she exercises direct line authority over all activities to assure adequacy of budgeting, planning, conduct, and effectiveness of projects and a balanced and competent technical capability.