Sponsored by the Connecticut Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army, Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc., and Military & Veterans Support Coalition Proceeds will be distributed to benefit programs of the Connecticut Military Community.
Registration: 10:00 to 12:00
Lunch: 10:30 to 12:00
Start: 12:00 Shot Gun
Dinner: 5:00
$130 For those actively serving, $150 per golfer otherwise
Dinner Only: $50
Register No Later Than August 8th
- Green Fees & Cart
- Lunch
- Putting & Driving Range Available
- Dinner
- Raffle prizes (including two 1080p HDTV'S
- Closest to the pin
- Hole in one prizes
- Longest Drive
Dress Code:
Collared shirt required, shorts or slacks are appropriate. No Denim
Co-Chairman: BG (Ret) Daniel J. McHale(AUSA) dmchale2915@gmail.com
Co-Chairman: CW3 Christopher D. Mackenzie (CTNGFI) christopher.d.mackenzi.mil@mail.mil
Co-Chairman: Jill O'Connor (MVSC) Mil.Vet.Coalition@gmail.com