AUSA Conference & Event Center

2425 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
United States

Add to Calendar 2025-01-15 03:03:00 2025-01-15 03:03:00 Army Air & Missile Defense Description Location AUSA UTC public

The Association of the United States Army Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) Army Air and Missile Defense Hot Topic will provide a unique opportunity for senior leaders from industry and the military to interact and share their thoughts on the future of Army’s role in IAMD. The theme for this professional development forum is “Army Air and Missile Defense: Balancing Readiness and Modernization.”  Integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) has been and will continue to be a core capability that the U.S. Army provides to the Joint Force and coalition partners.  This portfolio is now the fourth largest in the Army Budget and given the growing international threat of sophisticated rocket and missile technologies, integrated air and missile defense will be vital to our Nation’s overall defense capability for the foreseeable future. 

 This Hot Topic will validate how the Army AMD Strategy remains nested in and relevant to Army guidance and direction (e.g. Army Operating Concept, Army Vision Force 2025 & Beyond) as well as National and Joint guidance (e.g.  Joint Force 2020, CJCS’s Joint IAMD:  Vision 2020).  It will also provide insights into Army IAMD force modernization requirements and resources and lines of effort 
for Force 2025 Maneuvers and the Army Warfighter Challenges.  We expect to have 200 military, government, and industry professionals involved in all aspects of air and missile defense.

AUSA welcomes all AUSA members, employees or consultants of AUSA Sustaining Member companies, military and civilian government personnel, invited guests, and non-members to join us for this informative one day event focusing on key topics impacting our Army and the defense industry.