2016 Hot Topic: Army Cyber

2016 Hot Topic: Army Cyber

AUSA Conference & Event Center

2425 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
United States

Cyber and Future Readiness
Add to Calendar 2025-02-10 00:10:32 2025-02-10 00:10:32 2016 Hot Topic: Army Cyber Description Location AUSA developers@unleashed-technologies.com UTC public

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AUSA Army Cyber Hot Topic pre-registration is now closed. On-site registration will open on Thursday, 3 November at 0700 at the AUSA Conference & Event Center.
Any questions please contact Kaye Culyba at kculyba@ausa.org or 703-907-2416.

The Association of the United States Army’s Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) presents its Army Cyber Hot Topic to be held on 3 November 2016 at the AUSA Conference and Event Center in Arlington, VA.

As the Army looks beyond a successful initial build of its Cyber Mission Force, it must now focus on how its cyber forces and cyberspace operations contribute to future readiness for the overall force.  Changes across the cyberspace domain occur at a speed that is often difficult for military forces to keep apace.  The speed of this change dictates a reality in which ‘the future is now.’ 

How does the Army improve its readiness for conducting decisive operations that will likely require action by, with, and through cyberspace?  Army Cyber Command also continues to examine how the Army can bring cyber to the tactical edge through its Cyber Support to Corps and Below experiments.  Army Cyber command also continues to ensure the Army is prepared and ready by evaluating risk across the force and the Army’s mission assurance.  

Goals and Objectives:  To examine how the Army continues to transform its Cyberspace capabilities today and to enable future readiness. The AUSA Army Cyber Hot Topic will also examine The Future is Now, Cyber Support to Corps and Below, and Mission Assurance.   Each of these functions inform how the Army will continue to innovate and evolve and retain its future readiness. With support from the Military Cyber Professionals Association (MCPA)
