Chapter Activity Update (Click here to view full article.)
Chapter Activity Update (Click here to view full article.)
In spite of the pandemic restrictions, your CPL Bill McMillan – Bluegrass Chapter of AUSA has continued to provide support to area veterans and Army active duty and reserve organizations. A description of our activities is shown below.
In cooperation with the Bluegrass Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, we contributed to the presentation of second lieutenant bars to newly commissioned ROTC graduates at the University of Kentucky, Eastern State University and Morehead State University.
We arranged for presentation of AUSA medals to Junior ROTC graduates at several high schools in our chapter area.
On the 245th Army birthday, the chapter presented a cake to the Lexington Army recruiting station.
Our chapter was a Diamond level sponsor for the annual Lexington VA5K, which was a virtual event this year. Our donation will help fund the Fisher House which will soon be built on the Leestown Road campus of the Lexington VA hospital. The Fisher House will provide temporary lodging to veteran families. Click Here for More Info:
We encouraged VA5K participation by making awards to ROTC and National Guard units who entered the race.
Although volume was reduced, we continued our support of the VA snack and homeless programs.
Three chapter members met with the military history class of the UK ROTC. They conducted a seminar on their Army careers and service in Vietnam.
We provided a replacement for the wide screen television in one of the the long term care wards at the VA hospital.
Once again, our chapter donated to the Kentucky National Guard Military Cheer program. This group provides holiday toys and gifts to needy guard families.
We made a contribution to the local chapter of The Nurses Organization of Veterans Affairs.
The CPL Bill chapter donated prizes to a high school archery tournament which was supported by the Somerset office of the Army Recruiting Command. Click Here for More Info
We purchased candy and plastic eggs to be used at an Easter egg hunt for the families of local VA employees.
Our chapter secretary helped coordinate the donation of an M-109 155mm howitzer which is now displayed on the Leestown Road VA campus.