Honored to be named AUSA Category 1 Best Chapter for 2024
The George Washington Chapter AUSA is a private, non-profit organization that supports America's Army -- Active, National Guard and Reserve, Civilians, Retirees, and Family Members. AUSA provides many professional development opportunities throughout the year both locally and nationally. Please visit our Upcoming Events page for more information on chapter activities.
Consistent with AUSA's overall mission and objectives and in partnership with Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, the Pentagon, and surrounding communities, we provide and/or support activities that benefit our Chapter membership including active duty, national guard and reserve soldiers, civilians, family members, veterans, retirees, recruiters, and ROTC and JROTC cadets and cadre.
The George Washington Chapter supports the District of Columbia; the Virginia counties of Frederick, Clarke, Loudoun and portions of Alexandria, Fairfax, and Prince William; and in Maryland, Montgomery, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary's counties.
Message from the President
It is my sincere honor to step into the big shoes of a great Chapter/AUSA leader, Dick Winter. It gives me much comfort to know that I'll continue working with an amazing group of extremely talented and dedicated folks/friends that serve on our Executive Committee.
Being a big believer in and supporter of AUSA for over 4 decades, I'm very excited to help keep the George Washington Chapter on an upward trajectory, doing all that we can do for our Army, our warfighters, family members, civilians, emerging leaders, our veterans, our allies, and our faithful industry sponsors and supporters.
To provide that support, we look to broaden our outreach across our Chapter footprint and beyond. We're always looking to embrace new members -- individual, community partners, national partners -- and to continue to wholeheartedly support our long-standing members, partners/sponsors.
As the Army's premiere non-profit, education and professional association, our goals are to EDUCATE those we serve; INFORM our members, Congress and the American public about issues affecting our great Army; and to CONNECT the Total Army, industry partners, and like-minded associations and other supporters.
We are here to serve and to make a difference!
Karen Lowe, President, GWC
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4C Strategies - George Washington Chapter Accenture Federal Services - Arlington Accusonic Voice Systems - George ...