The Central Virginia Chapter covers the metropolitan areas of Richmond and Charlottesville. Membership is open to all who are interested in the U.S. Army and want to support its success.
Key Facts about U.S. Army Presence
in the Central Virginia Chapter Membership Area
Located in the AUSA's Region 2, the Central Virginia Chapter was formed in MAR 1988. Membership open to all who are interested in the U.S. Army and want to support the Army community of central Virginia.
- 3838 AUSA Members
- Supporting:
- Virginia Army National Guard
- United States Army Reserve
- Regular Army
- ROTC and JROTC programs
- Soldiers
- Army civilian employees
- Army Families
- Army Retirees
- Army Veterans
Chapter president, Leif G. Johnson, 703-618-964,
Donate to Chapter
Phone Number
Chapter Email Address