Ordering Policies
- Chapters will be charged shipping costs for orders requiring expedited mail service.
- All orders must be made NLT 14 days before the date they are needed.
- Orders for items to an APO address must be made NLT 21 days before the date they are needed.
- All items are complimentary and are intended for use at AUSA-related functions and tabling opportunities.
- Quantities and item requests may be adjusted or substituted according to event size and type.
- If you require items beyond our maximum quantity, please justify your needs in the comments block below.
- Toggle between the tabs below to select your items; selections from both tabs will be included in your single order.
Marketing Assistance
- Click here to access the chapter marketing justification
If you have questions about ordering any of the supplies, please contact Megan Ryle, Director of Marketing, at mryle@ausa.org.