Legislative Agenda
Legislative Agenda
The Fort Liberty Chapter of the United States Army joins the North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (NCDMVA) in supporting the following legislative goals identified by the NCDMVA that if enacted will enhance the lives of our North Carolina Military Members, Veterans, and their Families.
Legislative Goal 1:
Support the Governor’s proposed budget for 2020 that will enhance the vitally important programs supported by the NCDMVA. The proposed budget for NCDMVA provides $2.4 million in new funding to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) for scholarships for veterans’ children. Also earmarks funding in the Department of Information Technology (DIT)'s budget to automate DMVA's review of documents and applications, upgrade DMVA's case management system, and expand DIT's Veteran Cyber Apprenticeship Program.
Legislative Goal 2:
Support the effort to provide permanently and totally disabled Veterans, as designated by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, with a greater property tax exclusion, currently capped at the first $45,000 of the value of the Veteran’s home.
Legislative Goal 3:
Support the effort to extend the Bailey Act, which prohibits the State of North Carolina from taxing certain retirement benefits received by retirees of the State of North Carolina and its local government or by the United States government retirees (including military) for each retirement plan if the retiree has five or more years of creditable service as of August 12, 1989. The desired outcome will be that all Military retirees would not be taxed by the state of North Carolina, regardless of the retirement date of the retiree.
Legislative Goal 4:
Support the passage of North Carolina House Bill 64 that designates “The last Monday in September of each year is designated as Blue and Gold Star Mothers’ Appreciation Day in North Carolina.” North Carolina prides itself on being the nation’s “Most Military Friendly State”, with the passage of this bill North Carolina will show its Military Friendliness and join other states that currently recognize Gold Star Mothers’ Day.