a. AUSA Moderator – “Was PTSD rampant in the Civil War?”
"Ernie Dollar’s first job out of college was at Bennett Place Historical Site in 1993, the site of the largest Confederate surrender of troops in the Civil War.
"Dollar, now director of the City of Raleigh Museum, talked about 'The Civil War Soldier and PTSD,' on Saturday at the site’s “Civil War Medical Practices and Procedures” event.
"Dollar’s research has led him to believe post-traumatic stress disorder was rampant in Civil War veteran populations in both the South and North."
Click here to read more of Colin Warren-Hicks’ article entitled “Emotional trauma and PTSD – no stranger to Civil War vets:" http://www.stripes.com/news/us/emotional-trauma-and-ptsd-no-stranger-to-civil-war-vets-1.419541
b. AUSA Moderator – “Army Cyber Command reaches major milestone.”
"In a major milestone for the Army’s cyber forces, the Secretary of the Army designated them as an Army service component command (ASCC). In a July 14 announcement, the Army said the designation was signed by Army Secretary Eric Fanning through a July 11 Army General Order. The ASCC designation will bring ARCYBER’s roles and authorities in line with commands such as Army Europe and Army Special Operations Command."
c. AUSA Five Things -“Biosensors have great potential to improve health care delivery.”
AUSA Five Things: A Weekly Tip Sheet for AUSA Members, dated July 18, 2016: “Health Care From the Internet of Things”
The potential for a smart net of sensors, devices and other physical objects known as the Internet of Things has great potential in delivery of health care, according to Army Lt. Col. Mark Mellott of the Defense Health Agency. Biosensors could provide an immediate health update on a soldier, and when linked with the larger smart grid could even predict future health problems.
What to watch: While there is an expense for developing and integrating the network that would monitor and report health, there is a potential for saving money by providing some level of remote diagnosis and treatment that would expand the boundaries of preventive medicine and reduce military treatment facility visits.
d. AUSA Five Things -“Recognizing the longest serving Secretary of the Army.”
AUSA Five Things: A Weekly Tip Sheet for AUSA Members, dated July 18, 2016: “Honors Coming to Former SecArmy John Marsh Jr..”
John O. Marsh Jr. was the longest serving Secretary of the Army, holding the office from February 1981 until August 1989. The 89-year-old was also a soldier from 1944 until 1976, serving in the Regular Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. He enlisted during World War II, and at the age of 18 graduated from Infantry Officer Candidate School. “I give credit to what success I have had in life to the training received and leadership abilities I learned while at Fort Benning,” he said in 1981 as he visited the Georgia school.
What to watch: Marsh will be honored at the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center at Fort Benning on Sept. 16.
Here is a short film about Marsh.
(1) Should Soldiers with PTSD receive help appealing less than honorable discharges?
o Yes
o No
o Not sure