a. AUSA News – “What worries you the most about Army capabilities for the future fight?”
Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning said recently, “Our decisive advantage that we thought we had was not as big, it turns out, as we hoped it was or thought it was.” Fanning said that the three things that “worry” him most are unmanned systems, cyberwarfare and having assured positing, navigation and timing capabilities.
Read more: https://www.ausa.org/news/rapid-capabilities-faster-might-be-better-perfect
b. AUSA Moderator – “Armored Brigade Combat Team deploys to Europe this winter.”
“The first armored brigade combat team to deploy to Europe as part of a new nine-month rotation will deploy this winter, the Army announced Thursday. About 4,000 soldiers from the 4th Infantry Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team will deploy in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve. The soldiers are stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado.”
Read more: https://www.armytimes.com/articles/army-announces-europe-deployment-for-armored-bct-aviators
c. AUSA Moderator – “Stryker combat vehicle significantly upgraded.”
“The U.S. Army recently took delivery of the first Stryker combat vehicle armed with a 30mm cannon -- an upgrade that significantly boosts the firepower and range of the eight-wheeled infantry carrier. The prototype also features a new fully integrated commander's station, upgraded driveline componentry and hull modifications, Army officials said.”
d. AUSA Five Things – “New Army shelters are lighter and stronger at the same time.”
AUSA Five Things: A Weekly Tip Sheet for AUSA Members, dated October 24, 2016: “Making the Army More Rigid.”
Carbon composite is being added to the floors and walls of the portable shelters used to create Army field hospitals, a move expected to produce a shelter that is 20 percent lighter than the current aluminum version but twice as stiff, so the floors and walls are stable. The lighter, stronger design is the result of work by the Army Medical Materiel Development Activity’s Medical Support Systems Project Management Office and the Tactical Shelters Team at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Center.
What to watch: About 24 kits for retrofitting the shelters will be purchased each year. Better insulation also will be added to improve energy efficiency.
e. Blog Post - Exploring Massage Therapy to help relieve Post Traumatic Stress
Examining an alternate form of treatment for PTSD.
Read more: https://www.ausa.org/blog/firing-line-exploring-massage-therapy-help-relieve-post-traumatic-stress
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