a. NCO and Soldier Programs – “An argument against a bigger Army.”
The new administration has talked about growing the size of the Army. The author in this article thinks growing the Army now is a mistake for a number of reasons. How do you view the size and missions of the Army now and in the future from your foxhole?
b. AUSA Five Things – “Should the civilian hiring freeze be lifted for certain critical positions?”
AUSA Five Things: A Weekly Tip Sheet for AUSA Members, dated February 6, 2017: “A Thaw in the Freeze.”
“President Donald Trump ordered a federal civilian hiring freeze after taking office, a usual step for a new chief executive. It included a few exceptions for public safety, for recruitment and appointments of uniformed service members, and for Department of Veterans Affairs health care and national cemetery jobs if directly related to burials.
What to watch: Guidance has been prepared by the Defense Department to thaw the freeze for some critical national security and public safety jobs including health care and readiness-related depot maintenance.”
c. AUSA Moderator – “How do you defend against a concentrated number of missiles?”
“The top U.S. general in South Korea warns the world has entered the ‘second age’ of ballistic missile proliferation. ‘This has made for a much more dangerous world,’ said Army Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, commander of U.N. Command/Combined Forces Korea and U.S. Forces Korea, speaking via video at an Association of the U.S. Army event.
“How do we work against such a concentrated number of missiles?’ he said. ‘It’s a proposition that’s difficult to get on the leading edge of, because the missiles that confront us are far less expensive and sophisticated than the missiles we use to protect ourselves. We’re challenged by saturation, just the tyranny of numbers.’”
d. AUSA Moderator – “Two ideas to build the Cyber workforce.”
“The Army announced a pair of new pilots surrounding its cyber workforce, one for servicemembers and another for civilian employees. The first, which came directly from the Department of Defense and spreads across all the services, will look at civilian direct commissioning… The second is a civilian cyberspace-effects career program for Army government civilians.”
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- No
- Not sure