Rhumb Line Resort

41 Turbats Creek Road
Kennebunkport, ME 04046
United States

Add to Calendar 2025-01-13 17:25:56 2025-01-13 17:25:56 Joshua Chamberlain Chapter 22nd Annual Lobster Bake Description Location AUSA developers@unleashed-technologies.com UTC public

RhumbLine Resort
41 TurbatsCreek Road
Kennebunkport, ME 04046

Social Hour and Presentation of Awards

3:00 -4:30 pm

Lobster Bake

5:00 pm

Honored Guests

Person of the Year: Kelley Kash, USAF MSC (Ret), CEO of Maine Veterans Homes
Soldiers from the active Army, National Guard, and USAR


Casual / Military: ACU’s or Multi-Cam


Arthur Wickham @ 207-892-3064, Arthur.wickham@yahoo.com
Cindi Piacitelli@ 207-776-3963, cpiacitell@aol.com
RhumbLine Resort Reservations 1-800-337-4862 or 207-967-5457

Please complete reservation form on flyer and mail to:

AUSA c/o Arthur Wickham, PO Box 1016, Windham, ME 04062

Please respond on or before September 9th, 2017