U.S., Hungarian troops hold peacekeeping exercise in Kosovo
U.S., Hungarian troops hold peacekeeping exercise in Kosovo
A platoon of Hungarian armed forces troops from the 5th Bocskai Istvan, currently assigned to Multinational Battle Group-East (MNBG-E), conducted a freedom of movement exercise at Camp Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Kosovo.Assisting in the training were U.S. Army soldiers from 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 252nd Armor Regiment, a North Carolina National Guard unit based out of Fayetteville, N.C.These soldiers are currently deployed to Kosovo as part of MNBG-E’s Forward Command Post, which also oversees the battle group’s Hungarian coy, or company, throughout its deployment.The training was intended to be as real world as possible, and it helped prepare soldiers should they find themselves engaging violent protestors.Freedom of movement is part of the core mission of MNBG-E, and involves moving around roadblocks and dealing with other soldiers playing the role of belligerent protestors.This training supported the mission of ensuring safety, security and freedom of movement in Kosovo.MNBG-E is one of two multinational battle groups assigned to Kosovo Force (KFOR), which is NATO’s peace support mission in Kosovo.In KFOR’s 20th rotation since beginning in the 1990s, MNBG-E is currently led by the guard’s 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT), Clinton, N.C.Enabling and empowering the U.S. alliance with partner nations is an important part of the 30th ABCT’s mission in Kosovo, in North Carolina and in other deployments and missions across the globe.