Talley introduces Rally Point 32 guidance to Army Reserve
Talley introduces Rally Point 32 guidance to Army Reserve
Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley spent much of his first few weeks as commanding general of the Army Reserve Command outlining his guidance for the Army Reserve.Since taking command, Talley has shared his "Rally Point 32" guidance with Army Reserve leaders and civilians at the Senior Leader Conference, town hall sessions with military and civilian employees at the U.S. Army Reserve Command headquarters at Fort Bragg, N.C., and in many speeches to military and civilian leaders around the country.Rally Point 32 ties together the Army chief of staff’s "Marching Orders," the "Army Reserve Vision and Strategy 2020," and the "Army Reserve Campaign Plan."Rally Point 32 describes Talley’s intent to sustain a high-quality, all-volunteer operational Army Reserve for Army and joint force missions at home and abroad."By using Talley’s guidance, Army Reserve soldiers, leaders and units will couple vital military capabilities with their individual civilian-acquired skills to provide strategic depth to Army Reserve capabilities across the full range of military operations," an Army Reserve spokesman said."The most important thing is that we provide soldiers, leaders and units that are ready and available to Gen. [David] Rodriguez, our FORSCOM [U.S. Army Forces Command] commanding general," Talley said. "If we fail at that, we fail as an Army Reserve."He also said it is imperative to meet Army and joint force requirements for missions across the globe."At the end of the day, that is all we have to do to be heroes. It is also the hardest thing we have to do," Talley said.He pointed out that over the past 10 years of sustained operations, resources to meet mission requirements were abundant.Now, as the Army reshapes and refits going forward, manpower and budget challenges lay ahead."We’re not going to be able to maintain the level of readiness across the Army Reserve that we’ve rolled into over 10 years of war," he said.Adding, "Resources have to appropriately come down."Talley said the Army Reserve will posture itself through "progressive readiness" by providing appropriate levels of readiness at the right place and the right time."That progressive cycle of readiness is really based upon us making sure that we are properly assessing the soldier, leader and unit readiness that’s out there in our formations," he said. "That is the overall priority for the Army Reserve."Another key component of Rally Point 32 is getting back to basics through home-station training.Talley noted that a majority of the Army Reserve soldiers now serving are unfamiliar with home-station training because of the operational demands of over a decade of war."We have to get back to how does a unit train at home station? How do we make use of simulation equipment? How do we those command teams plan and execute their own training?" Talley asked.He is putting the responsibility for these training requirements on the unit command teams, with support from the training commands and the Reserve Command staff."What we do up here, when we’re doing staff work, is to make sure that we are helping enable them to do a better job of training their formations so they will be ready when we need them," he said.He is also challenging soldiers, leaders and civilians to find balance in their lives and careers."If you make sure that you are the best family member ever, and then the best private-public civilian employee, and then the best soldier, the Army wins," he said."Because that means you are at the top of your game across the spectrum of activity, no matter whether it’s at home, the office or in the formation," he added.He also pointed out the reason for the existence of the Army Reserve is to serve the Army."It should be about our Army and how we support the Army," Talley said.Adding, "We shouldn’t ever feel like we’re second-class citizens because we’re part of the Army Reserve. Without the Army Reserve, the Army cannot win decisively."Talley said Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the Army chief of staff, coming to Fort Bragg for the change of command ceremony, sends a "pretty clear message to the Army how important the Army Reserve is."He challenged soldiers, leaders and civilians: "What am I doing today that makes the Army better?"Talley assumed command of the U.S. Army Reserve at a change of command ceremony at Fort Bragg on June 9.He is the 32nd Chief, Army Reserve, and the seventh commanding general of the U.S. Army Reserve Command.