Students face new school transition challenges
Students face new school transition challenges
The start of the school year can bring changes and new opportunities for success.For military families, new schools and new routines are part and parcel of the lifestyle.Transition can often be a positive in the development of military children, but it also brings its share of unique challenges to their educational careers.According to the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3): "Military families move between postings on a regular basis and, while reassignments can often be a boon for career personnel, this can be difficult for the children of military families."The average military student faces transition challenges more than twice during high school and most military children will attend six to nine different school systems in their lives from kindergarten to 12th grade."Multiple schools bring multiple approaches to education."MIC3 strives to "make transition easier for the children of military families so that they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goal."A phenomenal resource that aims to support those goals is an organization titled for U.S. Military Families, K-12 students in Army families can get the help they need with free, one-to-one tutoring – anytime, any for U.S. Military Families (, a Department of Defense-funded program, provides personalized online tutoring 24/7 with live experts to all Army children in grades K-12.This education benefit is provided at no cost to all K-12 students in Army families – active duty, Army National Guard and Army Reserve – regardless of the Service member’s deployment or duty status.Students can get help in more than 16 subjects to include all core subjects such as algebra, geometry, calculus, physics, earth science, world history and literature.Students work one-to-one with a live tutor online at any time for homework help, studying, test prep, proofreading and more.Students can connect to a tutor – no appointment needed – with an internet-enabled computer or handheld mobile device.The tutor and student work together in a secure online classroom, which features an interactive whiteboard, file sharing and instant text messaging.Our soldiers and their families shoulder the burden of this mobile lifestyle with quiet dignity and a sense of purpose.Each time a parent receives orders to a new installation a military child must leave their old school behind and begin again.This school year why not connect with and make that transition just a little bit easier.