Remember My Service and AUSA partner on unit history program
Remember My Service and AUSA partner on unit history program
The Association of the United States Army and Remember My Service (RMS) Productions have joined forces to provide a recognition and historical program Army-wide that will assist commanders with unit esprit-de-corps, morale and pride, as well as establish an important communication platform for soldiers and families to reinforce understanding of their service.As the "Voice for the Army" since 1950, AUSA’s mission – to increase public support and awareness of the world’s best Army, and to tell "The Army Story" – is enhanced by this partnership.Commenting on the AUSA partnership with RMS, Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, USA, Ret., AUSA president, said, "The mission of the Remember My Service program is borrowed directly from the Center of Military History’s operating manual: ‘Military history serves to inspire soldiers and give them pride in their profession. Unit morale can only improve when the individual soldiers of a unit come to realize that they are part of a larger entity with a record of respected accomplishments.’"Since 2006, the RMS program has provided commanding officers the opportunity to present a total of more than 250,000 service members a copy of their unit history in recognition of what they have accomplished together."Adding, "Today, AUSA is pleased to partner with RMS to bring this program to commands throughout the Army."Remember My Service has been the premiere full-service historical program serving U.S. military members who receive their unit’s RMS historical record in both traditional print and multimedia interactive DVD-ROM."Our mission is simple: To use unit history to help build esprit-de-corps, morale, and pride for both the soldiers and their families," the RMS president, Sharlene Hawkes, said.Adding, "By telling the story at the unit level, communication increases with the family and community and this improves understanding, and, consequently, support. We are proud to accomplish this with our partner, the Association of the United States Army."RMS’s innovative program allows commands to easily submit all unclassified historical and current communications (newsletters, photos, video interviews and messages, print and broadcast media, program agendas, letters, historical documents, etc.) to RMS that will allow the RMS team to fully produce one master "story" in the form of a high-quality book with a dual layer DVD-ROMs/eBook with fully produced video features.By including each individual soldier and his or her bio (limited for security purposes), the project’s value increases as a long-term heirloom commemorative, perfect for displaying in the service member’s home.This historical commemorative also allows the senior leadership to help shape what their soldiers will remember about their service and their unit.In accordance with RMS policy, all digital assets will be archived with the Center of Military History, the Army Historical Foundation, and the Library of Congress Veterans History Project – and with those national partners sponsoring divisions and brigades.