New changes to TRICARE Dental and Young Adult Prime
New changes to TRICARE Dental and Young Adult Prime
Congress approves changes to TRICARE dental program for survivors. Congress recently passed legislation that affects the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) survivor benefits. The TDP survivor benefit is now available to a larger segment of the military population and provides extended care to children of survivors.Here are some of the key changes:Survivors do not need to have prior enrollment in the TDP at the time of the sponsor’s death to receive the TDP Survivor Benefit. In the past, enrollment was required to be eligible for benefits.Surviving children are eligible to receive survivor benefits through the end of the month in which they turn age 21, or 23 if enrolled in a full-time accredited college or university.Additionally, incapacitated children are eligible to receive TDP coverage for the greater of: 1) three years from the sponsor’s date of death, 2) the date which the dependent turns 21, or 23 if enrolled in a full-time accredited college or university. This is an increase in coverage from the three years children received prior to legislation.Eligible surviving family members not enrolled in the TDP at the time of the sponsor's death will be notified by the government of their eligibility for enrollment in the TDP.The surviving spouse, parent, or dependent 18 years of age or older may complete the enrollment process for the TDP Survivor Benefit to take effect.For more information go to the United Concordia TRICARE Dental page. Young Adult Prime Available. The TRICARE Young Adult (TYA) Prime option is now available. TYA Prime will offer young adult beneficiaries TRICARE Prime coverage for monthly premiums of $201.To purchase TYA Prime, dependents must be under age 26, unmarried and not eligible for their own employer-sponsored health care coverage.TYA Prime is a managed health care option with low out-of-pocket costs. Care is delivered through military clinics and hospitals and the TRICARE network of civilian providers.Uniformed services dependents may qualify to purchase TYA Prime if they live in a designated Prime Service Area and their sponsor’s status makes them eligible for Prime coverage.In addition to TYA Prime, young adult dependents may also be eligible for TYA Standard, which has been available since May 2011.With monthly premiums of $186, Standard offers eligible dependents the flexibility to see TRICARE-authorized network and non-network providers of their choice, wherever they live or travel.The Standard monthly premium dropped to $176 on Jan. 1, 2012.Complete information and application forms are available at