Member Advocacy Campaign: Letters support national defense
Member Advocacy Campaign: Letters support national defense
As discussed in last month’s column, we have launched the 2017 AUSA Member Advocacy Campaign.
Your participation can make a real difference. If our campaign is successful, your Army could gain an additional $13 billion to $15 billion a year.
That is a 10 percent increase, which would help solve many, many problems, from readiness to procurement to benefits.
If you have never met with your federal elected officials in the House of Representatives or the Senate, now is your chance. Make it a bucket list item to check off.
Get smart on the issues of sequestration and the defense budget caps using the videos and articles we provide on the website, and then engage as an informed constituent.
Got way too much on your plate already? I’m fairly busy too, so thus far I have only earned the Bronze level of participation.
It only took about three minutes to click on the “Contact Congress” button on the AUSA webpage, fill in my information and hit submit. Automatically, three pre-written letters were sent to my representative and my two senators. Two out of the three have already written me back.
Now that the campaign is launched out to the chapters and individual members like you, I plan to start working on earning the Silver level by writing hand-written letters.
If you are hesitating to join the campaign, I urge you to reconsider. The saying comes to mind, “If not me, who? If not now, when?”
You joined AUSA because you believe in a strong national defense and the world’s best Army. Here is your chance to make that belief real, to do important work that has national and global effects.
America needs you to do your part in this critical mission. Don’t let Congressional inaction continue damaging our Army – tell them to fix sequestration and repeal the defense budget caps.
Let them hear from the people who elected them so that they must finally act!
Next month I will let you know how the campaign is going. I’m looking forward to hearing your reports from the field as you earn the incentives we have set up.
August and September will be our primary push for AUSA members to meet with Congress in the states and districts, with AUSA national planning follow-up meetings in September and October. Therefore, please set us up for success by doing the groundwork in your local area this summer.
We cannot succeed without your help. But we can move mountains if we work together.
Thank you in advance for your active support of this very important campaign.
See you on the high ground.