Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri Chapter Supports Blood Donor Program

Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri Chapter Supports Blood Donor Program

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Missouri – The Armed Services Blood Program serves as the sole provider of blood to the U.S. Military. This joint operation among service branches collects, processes, stores, and distributes blood products for service members, veterans, and their families both at home and in combat zones.

With a Blood Donor Center located on Fort Leonard Wood, the Chapter values the mission to take care of one another. The Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri Chapter created and sponsored the Giving4Living award program. The program incentivizes leaders and service members to host blood drives. The award will be presented to those who give at least 100 units of blood in a day with their name being added to a plaque in the Center and a guidon streamer for the unit.

This new program was presented and started on April 26, 2022 with AUSA President and CEO, GEN (R) Robert B. Brown as well as the Chapter Executive Board and staff at the Blood Donor Center.

We are proud to support the Armed Services Blood Program as well as a mission critical, lifesaving service that makes an immediate impact worldwide.