The Chief of Staff of the Army’s Retiree Council aids soldiers in retirement

The Chief of Staff of the Army’s Retiree Council aids soldiers in retirement

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Chief of Staff of the Army’s Retiree Council was established Nov. 10, 1971, as an Intra-Army Departmental committee in accordance with Army Regulations which also provide guidance for the council’s responsibilities and activities.The Army chief of staff appoints retired soldiers to serve one four-year term, but may extend terms as necessary.Retired soldiers appointed to serve on the council are recalled to active duty in accordance with U.S. Code, Title 10 to attend the annual meeting that will be held this year on April 23 to 27 in the Pentagon.The council meets at least annually at the call of the chief of staff or the co-chairpersons.Throughout the year, the Army Retirement Services Office, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, coordinates the activities and communications of the council.The retiree council is one part of the Army Retirement Services mission.The mission is three-fold: Preparing soldiers and families for retirement; aiding the spouses of soldiers who die on active duty in making survivor benefit elections for their families; and continuing to support soldiers and families after retirement.The council is comprised of 14 retired soldiers (seven officers and seven enlisted members) as determined by the co-chairpersons and approved by the chief of staff.The council consists of:A retired lieutenant general and a retired sergeant major of the Army, who serve as co-chairpersons.A minimum of one soldier retired for a service-connected disability under Chapter 61, Title 10, United States Code.A minimum of one retired Army Reserve soldier and one retired Army National Guard soldier retired under chapter 1223, Title 10, United States Code, and receiving retired pay.A minimum of one female retired soldier.A maximum of two retired soldiers permanently residing outside the United States, including at least one of whom resides in the Army in Europe area of responsibility.A minimum of one retired warrant officer.Additional soldiers retired for length-of-service as needed to reach a total of 14 council members.The 2012 council is co-chaired by Lt. Gen. Frederick E. Vollrath, USA, Ret., and Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston, USA, Ret.Members are nominated by their installation retiree councils and approved by the chief of staff.At its annual meeting, the council reviews retiree issues forwarded by installation councils worldwide and determines which issues warrant reporting to the chief of staff and which issues can be addressed at the installation level.The council’s annual reports are posted on the Army Retirement Services homepage at (