AUSA is successful – No TRICARE fee increase
AUSA is successful – No TRICARE fee increase
We did it.The Association of the United States Army’s campaign against the Defense Department’s plan to increase or implement TRICARE fee increases was a resounding success.The Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously voted to prohibit the fee increases in its markup of the Fiscal Year 2013 Defense Authorization Bill.Similar language was included in the House bill passed on May 15.AUSA and its president, Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, USA, Ret., saluted and thanked all Association members and friends who took the time to contact members of Congress over the past several months to let them know how strongly you feel about this proposal."Our campaign would not have been successful without you," an Association official said.The bill authorizes $631.4 billion in discretionary funds, including $525.8 billion for the base Defense Department budget, $88.2 billion for the war in Afghanistan and $17.4 billion for Department of Energy and other national security programs related to nuclear safety.