AUSA chapters conduct variety of meetings, events and forums
AUSA chapters conduct variety of meetings, events and forums
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Association of the U.S. Army chapters have been hosting a variety of meetings, events and forums as a way to engage with their members and the local communities in their area.
Here are some examples:
- Lt. Gen. Patricia McQuistion, USA, Ret., AUSA vice president for membership and meetings, visited with the Panama Chapter for its Corporate Member Appreciation Luncheon. This was the first visit to Panama from an AUSA staff member since 2003.
- The Colonel Edward Cross Chapter, located in New Hampshire, held its annual AUSA Ski Day at Cannon Mountain Ski Area. The day ended with members and guests enjoying a “Make Your Own Taco” bar.
- Four association New Jersey chapters, as well as AUSA’s First Region, signed a Statement of Support with the New Jersey Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). Last year Gen. Carter F. Ham, USA, Ret., AUSA president and CEO, challenged the 119 AUSA chapters to sign a statement of support with their local ESGR before the AUSA Annual meeting and Exposition in October.
- Following that event, the Northern New Jersey Chapter hosted a Networking Night for young professionals and mentors at the Harvest Moon Brewery. This successful evening provided an opportunity for young AUSA members to come together with representatives from association corporate member companies.
USA’s Northern New Jersey Chapter hosts a Young Professionals Networking Night at the Harvest Moon Brewery that provided an opportunity for young professionals to interact with Association corporate members and their companies. - The Mediterranean Chapter hosted a seminar in cooperation with the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce for European companies that are interested in doing business with the U.S. government.
- The North Texas–Audie Murphy Chapter will again take a group of Senior ROTC cadets and cadre members to Normandy in March. This will be their third trip to the beaches and battlefields of the D-Day invasion as part of the chapter’s Passing the Torch Leader Development Program.
These are just a few examples of the different types of events AUSA chapter members can participate in locally.
All AUSA members are encouraged to get involved with their chapter.
Visit, email our member support team at, or call us at 855-246-6269 to join today!