‘Healthy habits’ challenge issued to Global Force attendees
‘Healthy habits’ challenge issued to Global Force attendees
AUSA will challenge attendees at the Global Force Symposium and Exposition to think “healthy habits” by inviting them to participate in the Health and Wellness Walking Challenge, March 13–15 at the Van Braun Center in Huntsville, Ala.
This inaugural walking challenge is part of an ongoing AUSA initiative to provide a fun and interactive experience while educating attendees about the importance of activity, one of the three pillars of the Army’s Performance Triad.
The Performance Triad is a comprehensive plan to improve readiness and increase resilience through public health initiatives and leadership engagement.
The Triad is the foundation for Army Medicine’s transformation to a System For Health, a partnership among soldiers, families, leaders, health teams and communities to promote the “3 Rs” – Readiness, Resilience, Responsibility.
The focus of the Performance Triad is on sleep, activity, and nutrition –key actions that influence health in the “Lifespace” of time that isn’t spent with a health-care provider.
As a result, the biggest impact on health is made by making better choices in your “Lifespace.”
The walking challenge will kick off at 8 a.m., Monday, March 13, and end on Wednesday, March 15 at 10 a.m.
Participants can challenge themselves and others to stay moving, work their way up the leaderboard and be recognized as the overall winner.
One winner will be announced each day.
An overall winner will be announced at the end of the event.
All winners will be recognized on Wednesday, March 15, at the closing session by Gen. Carter F. Ham, AUSA president and CEO.
As part of this challenge all attendees will have access to the Health and Wellness Lounge set up with interactive activities and healthy lifestyle tips.
In addition, “motivational coaches” will be moving through the Von Braun Center to challenge attendees with “pop-up exercises” and fun activities.
Attendees may also participate in the challenge by selecting the challenge option during on-site registration and badge pick up.
To learn more about the Performance Triad or to start a challenge of your own go to: https://usaphcapps.amedd.army.mil/HIOShoppingCart/viewItem.aspx?id=683
In addition, an update on Army medicine will be addressed from 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 14, by the AUSA Family Readiness Directorate.
Featured speakers for the update include Brig. Gen. Scott Dingle, deputy chief of staff for operations, G-3/5/7, U.S. Army Medical Command, and Todd Hoover, division chief, Army Wellness Center Operations, Army Public Health Center.