Gowanie Golf Club

24770 S. River Rd.
Harrison Township, MI 48045
United States

Add to Calendar 2024-09-17 21:35:18 2024-09-17 21:35:18 Arsenal of Democracy Chapter Fall Golf Outing Description Location AUSA developers@unleashed-technologies.com America/Chicago public

We are excited to announce that the 2017 Summer Golf Outing for the Association of the US Army - Arsenal of Democracy Chapter will be held at Gowanie Golf Club, 24770 South River Road, Harrison Township, Michigan on 25 September 2017.  Register early to ensure your place and government nominee is secured.  The day's events will include a continental breakfast, at 9:00AM, shot gun start 10:00AM and lunch on the course.  Golf will be followed by a dinner, prizes and camaraderie among the industry, Army, and National Guard community of eastern Michigan.


Online: http://conta.cc/2ueBphk

By Mail:  Mail checks (Payable to AUSA / Arsenal of Democracy Chapter) and registration to: Mike and Linda Bracket, 44260 Cadburry, Clinton TWP, MI 48038

By Email: Email your registration form to dougrelyea@gmail.com - Mail checks (Payable to AUSA / Arsenal of Democracy Chapter) to: Mike and Linda Bracket, 44260 Cadburry, Clinton TWP, MI 48038

Corporate Foursome Registration:


Teams must be purchased as a foursome.  Contractors may register up to 4 teams.

Each foursome is "limited" to two (2) corporate players.  Please provide names and contact information for government/military candidates/nominees, per the registration form, that the AUSA Golf Committee can invite.

Individual Corporate Member Registration:


Individual AUSA Chapter members may register as a single player.  The golf committee will assign you to a team for the outing.  Please use two lines (yourself and nominee) of the corporate foursome registration section.

Please provide the name and contact information for the government/military candidate/nominee, per the registration form, that the AUSA Golf Committee can invite.

The Cost Includes the Following:

Continental Breakfast, On Course Lunch, Dinner, and Beverages tickets  on the Course

Green Fee, Power golf Cart


There is a CASH BAR at dinner

Hole Sponsorship:

$100.00 per hole

Printed 18'x24" sign with corporate name and logo

Signs placed on one of the tee boxes

Corporations must provide company logo in JPEG format with sponsorship payment NLT 9 September 2017 other sponsorships are available see sponsorship letter.

Prize Donations: 

Donation of prizes is always welcome and encouraged. Bring your donations to the event and you will be recognized at the award ceremony following completion of dinner. Please inform a member of the golf committee of your donation and/or make sure your prize is clearly labeled to ensure recognition.  The number of outing prizes is solely based on the donations of corporations.

Additional agenda items at the outing will include:

prizes for winning teams, prizes for closest to the pin, a raffle, 50/50, and of course.....mulligans to help improve the team score.

Thank you for supporting the 2017 AUSA Arsenal of Democracy Golf Outing and your continued support of the chapter. This event and others like it provide the chapter with the means to support OUR Army, OUR Soldiers and their families throughout the year.

We look forward to seeing you and your team on 25 September, 2017 at Gowanie Golf Club.