AUSA Cautiously Reviews Compensation Commission Report

AUSA Cautiously Reviews Compensation Commission Report

Statement of Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, U.S. Army retiredAssociation of the U.S. Army President and CEO“AUSA has been briefed on the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission’s final report and recommendations. The proposals sound simple on the surface: Fix health care access, reform retirement benefits so more people get something when they leave the service, and make personnel programs more efficient.  The details, though, are complicated and will require a careful review. While commissioners say that cost-cutting was not their goal, we are worried that some soldiers and their families could see it this way. We want to ensure that any changes in compensation and benefits help, not hurt, recruiting, retention and overall readiness, sustain the All Volunteer Force and are perceived as fair. We’ll study the recommendations with some standards in mind, including pay comparability, preserving health care benefits, protecting the value of military retired pay and, above all, keeping soldiers’ trust.”Link to the report: or to the commission